(for a moment)
A little mood music:
Set the mood here:
Inspiration comes and goes
Coexisting values in conflict determine
what happens next or we wait for it
(yes) Inspiration
that comes in spurts or, we wait
Change means change
that's it!
Why wait - you can be a better version of yourself
Do it now
Step it up with one small change, then
​​set a date to revisit the commitment
But for now,
Give it all you got
Support will reinforce all of the above
Get someone in your corner
And ready or not?
You are already living the best version of yourself.
Services & Specializations
Services provided only within specialty areas of focus
Guided referral is provided if the assessment reveals primary concerns outside of our area of specialty
Areas of Specialization
Substance misuse
Eating problems
Depression/anxiety *
Identity deconstruction Boundaries
Role transitions

Having someone in your corner
increases your odds
Whether here, or with another clinician,
keep moving forward
to your best.

Dr. Valerie Wood
Valerie holds a Doctorate in Social Work and Board certification in social work, substance counseling, Clinical Supervision, and Telehealth and founded The Willow Health & Wellness Center in 2005. Valerie has demonstrated a profound commitment to service, spending decades training graduate students in the flexible and practical application of theory in real-world practice, clinical practice, and in the development of products for marginalized and undeserved markets.
Valerie offers counseling and coaching services with an invitation to a brave space where challenges meet transformative solutions for individuals striving to attain the best version of themselves.
Valerie worked as the operations lead on a tech start-up team before moving into the education and clinical space and has retained an entrepreneurial outlook guided by a holistic systems thinking perspective. With an authentic demeanor, pointed communication skills, and an adaptive leadership style. Val approaches complex problems from the top down, integrating inquiry within a spirit of collaboration to seek efficient and inclusive solutions within flexibly integrated frameworks designed to center stakeholders, prioritize accountability, and build cohesion.
Whether in a counseling/coaching environment or an institutional setting, Valerie integrates holistic, transformative narratives designed to move toward equitable restoration with an overriding belief that there is, in fact, enough to go around.
By Appointment
New Jersey Connecticut
30m Consultations Available (do not incur a fee)